1.    臨床薬理研究室: Clinical Pharmacology

1-1.   臨床薬理とは

    The science of drugs and their clinical use: From Wikipedia
   Clinical pharmacology is the study of drugs in humans: By ASCPT
   “…a new branch of pharmacology that dealt with the effectiveness and safety of drugs in man.”: By ACCP

1-2. 臨床薬理に関する講義と教育資料

Clinical pharmacology - the first 75 years and a view of the future. Colin T. Dollery :

Principles of Clinical Pharmacology. The University of Rochester Center for Leading Innovation and Collaboration (CLIC):   The most comprehensive and widely covering educational program in my personal opinion.

Medical Pharmacology and Disease-Based Integrated Instruction by Michael Gordon, Ph.D., Pharmacology

American College of Clinical Pharmacology  Continuing Education

Clinical Pharmacology in Health Care, Teaching and Research by WHO, IUPHAR, and CIOMS
At Essential Medicines and Health Products Information Portal A World Health Organization resource

1-3.   臨床薬理に関連するガイドライン/ガイダンス:Guidelines/Guidance around Clinical Pharmacology

Comparative listing among JP/US/EU: 日本語 or in English


1-4. 臨床研究:Clinical Studies

 厚労科研「e-learningシステムICRwebを用いた臨床研究・治験に携わる 人材の育成方法に関する研究(H-24-臨研基-一般-001)」による臨床研究サイト

1-5.   その他 Miscellanea(under construction)

Previous presentations on NONMEM in Japanese



(The latest modification on Jul. 29, 2019.)